Beers with Talos Podcast
Threats, Beers, and No Silver Bullets. Listen to Talos security experts as they bring their hot takes on current security topics and Talos research to the table. Along the way, Mitch, Matt and a rotating chair of special guests will talk about anything (and we mean anything) that's on their minds, from the latest YouTube trends to Olympic curling etiquette. New episodes every other Thursday.
Beers with Talos Podcast
Social Media Bans, Live Experiments, Cybersecurity Crosswords, and Nine Lives: The B team returns
More hijinks and silliness ensue in the second episode of the BWT B Team podcast. Joe shares his frustration with being involuntarily removed from a social media platform, Hazel conducts a live experiment, Dave talks about his newfound addiction to crossword puzzles and its parallels to cybersecurity, and Bill recommends the game "Nine Lives" and shares his top books of the year.
Joe also briefly chats about his work customizing a tabletop cybersecurity game for humanitarian organizations. And we do a shoutout to Talos’ research on vulnerable Windows drivers and proxy chain abuse.
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